Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Poco a Poco

Last night I had a minor victory in that I was able to sit in a planning meeting at church with about 25 people. I didn't catch everything going on, but I didn't get frustrated either. The only time I had to leave was when they were praying, because they yell when they pray here. I walked out and waited until they finished. Later, they prayed for me, but they did it quietly. :) I also struggled when the youth group came into the sanctuary and were meeting near us, as they were loud and it seemed that I could only hear them instead of our pastor talking (not using any sound systems).

I can tell that I am adjusting to things now. It's not quite so scary. I still can't handle loud noises, whistling, clapping, yelling, but I can have a conversation now without getting completely frustrated. I also position myself better in groups, though sometimes I have to move and reposition myself.

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